Glossary – P

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PADUIA – Pennsylvania Driving Under the Influence Association

PAC – Political Action Committee

PACDAA – Pennsylvania Association of County Drug and Alcohol Administrators

PACHIP – Pennsylvania Children’s Health Insurance Program

PACSHA – Pennsylvania Association of County Human Services Administrators

PACT – Program for Assertive Community Treatment

PADOHRIC – Pennsylvania Department of Health Research and Information Center

PAE – Pennsylvania Adoption Exchange

Panda – Prevent Abuse and Neglect Through Dental Awareness

Panic Disorder – Characterized by panic attacks that occur at least once a week. A panic attack is a brief (5 to 20 minute) episode of intense anxiety that is usually accompanied by physical symptoms, such as rapid heart beat, sweating, chest pain and nausea. Panic attacks can occur in any anxiety disorder, usually in response to the focus of that disorder.

PAPSRS – Pennsylvania Association of Psychological Rehabilitation Services

PARF – Pennsylvania Association of Rehabilitation Facilities

PASAP – Pennsylvania Association of Student Assistance

Pastoral Counseling – Counselors working within traditional faith communities to incorporate psychotherapy, and/or medication, with prayer and spirituality to effectively help some people with mental disorders.

PATH – Projects for Assistance in Transition From Homelessness

PCBH – Personal Care Boarding Home

PCCD – Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency

PCCM – Primary Care Case Manager

PCCYFS – Pennsylvania Commission of Children, Youth and Family Services

PCH – Personal Care Homes

PDA – Pennsylvania Department of Aging

PDDC – Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Coalition

PDE – Pennsylvania Department of Education

Peer Specialist Services – Specialized services which focus on recovery and are delivered by trained individuals who are self-identified as current or former consumers of behavioral health services.

PEN – Parent Education Network

PEPS – Program Evaluation Performance Standards

PERP – Perpetrator of Child Abuse or Child Sexual Abuse

Pertussis (Whooping Cough) – A highly contagious infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella Pertussis, which results in fits of coughing that usually end in a prolonged, high-pitched, deeply indrawn breath (the whoop). People can develop Pertussis at any age, but one third of causes occur in children younger than two years, and one third occur in adolescents 11 to 18 years of age.

PFAD – Protection From Abuse Database

PFAPA Syndrome (periodic fevers with aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and adenitis) – Causes recurrent episodes of fever that last 3 to 6 days, mouth sores (stomatitis), a sore throat (pharyngitis), and swollen lymph glands (adenitis). It typically starts between ages 2 and 5 years, and children typically tend to outgrow the syndrome.

Phobic Disorders – Disorders that cause extreme and irrational anxiety when encountering particular situations, objects or activities.

PHLP – Pennsylvania Health Law Project

PH-MCO – Physical Health Managed Care Organization

PHP – Prepaid Health Plan (Managed Care)

PI – Physical Intervention

PIN – Parents Involved Network

PIP – Program Improvement Plan

Play Therapy – Geared toward young children, play therapy uses a variety of activities such as painting, puppets and dioramas to establish communication with the therapist and resolve problems.

PLCB – Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board

PLF – Private Licensed Facility

PHMCA – Pennsylvania Mental Health Consumers Association

PMPM – Per Member Per Month

PMU – Psychiatric Medical Unit

PNP – Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

POA – Power of Attorney

POC – Plan of Care

POS – Point of Service (Managed Care Term)

POSNET – Pennsylvania Open Systems Network

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Causes recurring, intrusive memories of an overwhelming traumatic event as well as emotional numbness and increased tension of alertness. The disorder may develop after children witness or experience an act of violence, causing them to re-experience the event, causing them to feel emotionally numb, extremely tense, and jittery.

Primary Care Provider (PCP) – Generally coordinates, supervises, and provides mental care to members of a plan. May include a family practitioner, general internist, pediatrician, and sometimes an ob/gyn.

PRN – “When Necessary”: Used in the administration of medication

Program quality indicator – Program characteristics or practices that provide evidence of the ability of the adult education program to deliver services, to satisfy customer (learner or employer) needs and aspirations, to continuously improve, and to be accountable.

PRS – Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services

PRTF – Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility

PSFPA – Pennsylvania State Foster Parent Association

PSP – Pennsylvania State Police

Psychiatric Nurses – Core mental health professionals who have earned a Masters degree in Psychiatric Nursing and typically have extensive training in psychopharmacology and counseling.

Psychiatric Social Worker – Social worker specializing in work with psychiatric patients and their families.

Psychoanalyst – A person who diagnoses and treats emotional disorders through special techniques that explore a patient’s mental and emotional history and makeup.

Psychosis – A general term used to describe any of several mental disorders characterized by social withdrawal, distortions of reality, loss of contact with environment and disintegration of personality.

PT – Physical Therapy or Physical Therapist