Glossary – L
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Learning Disorders – Involve an inability to acquire, retain, or broadly use specific skills or information, resulting from deficiencies in attention, memory, or reasoning and affecting academic performance. One specific learning disorder is Dyslexia.
LCE – Liquor Control Enforcement
LCSW – Licensed Clinical Social Worker
LEA – Local Educational Agency or Law Enforcement Agency
Legal Advocacy – Legal services provided to ensure the protection and maintenance of a client’s/patient’s rights.
Licensed Certified Social Worker (LCSW) – Some states require social workers to be licensed, while certification and registration, whether offered by the state or by a professional organization, is usually voluntary. Holding a license generally requires the licensee to adhere to a code of ethics of professional conduct. If this code is violated, the license can be revoked or other disciplinary actions taken.
LIHEAP – Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
LOC – Level of Care
LOCI – Level of Care Index
LOF – Level of Functioning
LOS – Length of Stay
LPN – Licensed Practical Nurse
LS – Learning Support
LSS – Life Skills Support
LSW – Licensed Social Worker
LTC – Long Term Care
LTCF – Long Term Care Facility
LTRC – Long Term Residential Care
LTSR – Long Term Structured Residence