Glossary – H

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Hallucinations – Experiences of sensations that have no source.

HC – HealthChoices

HCBS – Home and Community Based Services

HCCU – Health Care Coordinating Unit

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) – A prepaid organization that provides health care to voluntary enrolled members in return for a preset amount of money on a per member per month basis. They include a mental health plan that places at least some of the providers at risk for medical expenses, and use gatekeepers, usually primary care physicians, to restrict services.

HEDIS – Health Employer Data and Information Set

HHS – U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

High Fidelity Wraparound – Intensive mental health planning and coordination for youth under 21 years of age that have problems in multiple domains of living and are involved with multiple child-serving systems.

HIO – Health Insuring Organization

HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

HIPP – Health Insurance Premium Payment

HIS – Hearing Impaired Support

Hospital-Based Detoxification and/or Rehabilitation – Treatment and care for drug and alcohol abuse delivered in a hospital setting. This service is used when an individual’s problem cannot be treated outside the hospital.

HR – House Resolution or Human Resources

HSA – Health Systems Agency

HUD (U.S. Housing and Urban Development) – A federal agency responsible for housing programs and Section 8 housing. A program of vouchers for housing for the disabled.

HX – History

Hypochondriasis – Somatoform disorder in which children have no specific, ongoing symptoms but are obsessed with bodily functions, such as heartbeat, digestion and sweating, and are convinced that they have a serious disease when nothing is wrong. They may also feel anxious and depressed.

Hypomania – An episode in which the individual experiences a mild form of mania. Such an episode does not markedly impair an individual’s social and vocational functions, and does not necessarily indicate the presence of bipolar disorder.